There are many ways done by people with high cholesterol in lowering cholesterol, including by regulating a healthy diet, one way with Consume cholesterol-lowering fruit. Yes, fresh fruits can lower cholesterol in a natural way, although the process is slower than using cholesterol-lowering drugs, but by eating fruit will get more satisfying results because it is safer and without side effects.
So, what are the fruits that can lower bad cholesterol? The following we will summarize for you and do not worry! Because there are many types of fruit, when you do not like one or more, you can choose another fruit alternative. List of High Cholesterol-Lowering Fruits in the Body In addition to fruits, consider also to consume 10 Food Suggestions for High Cholesterol Sufferers
1. Lime is very rich in flavonoids known as polymethoxylated flavones, antioxidants that have a powerful effect to lower cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol LDL. In addition, lime also contains high vitamin C which plays a role not only helps prevent the damage caused by LDL cholesterol but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, because it can lower total cholesterol as a whole. Studies show different results and have used vitamin C supplements in the amount of 100 to 1,000 milligrams per day.
2. Guava Seeds / guava this is one good cholesterol-lowering fruit, because Guava guava contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene, and selenium. All of them are very beneficial for the health of the body. As for who plays very much in lowering cholesterol is a flavonoid antioxidant that can lower bad cholesterol LDL and triglycerides. It is proven through research, that the consumption of guava juice for 2 months in measured doses can lower cholesterol to 53% of the total 83% of LDL cholesterol.
3. Grapes Wine This wine contains substances that play an active role in lowering cholesterol, the compound flavonoids, in addition to these compounds are also able to prevent blood clots and counteract damage caused by the entry of free radicals. In addition, grapes also contain lots of fiber and have catechin substances that can lower LDL cholesterol while raising good cholesterol, HDL.
4. Pomegranate Not only can lower cholesterol; pomegranates also contain substances that can remove plaque in the bloodstream as a result of high blood cholesterol function is obtained from the content of nitric oxide contained in pomegranates. Reportedly, the content of antioxidants in pomegranates was three times more than red wine.
5. Mango fruit is also one source of Vitamin C which can prevent bad cholesterol oxidized the main cause of plaque (accumulation) blood vessel cholesterol. On the other hand, the mango fruit is also one source of fiber-rich foods that can reduce the entry of cholesterol into the bloodstream at the stage of digestion.
6. Fruit Berry Type of fruit-ingredients that fall into the category of famous berry rich in pterostilbene which has the property as an antioxidant. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, this substance can also prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries which if let can cause coronary heart attack and stroke.
7. Avocado There is a presumption that Avocado is a fruit rich in fat so much to avoid for fear of fat or suffering from high cholesterol. Is that right? Avocado does contain a lot of fat, even up to 16 percent. But the fat in the avocado is monounsaturated fat, which is actually healthy, because this fat can help increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Avocado also contains beta-sitosterol a kind of vegetable fat is also healthy, because it can reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Enjoy avocado in a healthy way, for example as a juice, but do not give him too much sugar.
8. Olive Fruits Olive fruit is rich in antioxidant substances (hydroxytyrosol) which has the benefit of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood but not reducing good cholesterol levels in the body (HDL). This fruit will also have a good effect on heart health because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E which can increase good cholesterol levels. To get the most benefit, we can consume at least a mixture of 2 (two) spoons of olive oil and olives mixed in the salad.
9. Lemon contains high vitamin C, in 1 cup fresh lemon juice has 94 milligrams; 1 cup raw lemon segment contains 112 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C in lemon will reduce the production of apo-B is a type of substance that triggers the increase of cholesterol in the blood. In lemon also contain antioxidants that contribute to reducing LDL oxidant.
10. Tomato The famous tomato has a lot of lycopene content which also has the role of lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). We can enjoy tomatoes and get goodness by eaten fresh, made juice, or eaten in the form of soup. And you know that tomatoes can also be a healthy food for patients with chronic ulcers because of its properties that can calm the stomach.
11. Watermelon who does not know this fresh fruit, in addition to eliminate thirst quickly, it turns out the watermelon is also included in the list of cholesterol-lowering fruit. This is known because in watermelon contained likopen as well as on tomatoes that can lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
12. Apple This one fruit is famous for healthy, and now we know that apple is one of the cholesterol-lowering fruit because of the content of beta-glucan substances that play a role in controlling the production of cholesterol. Apples are also a source of soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol and prevent arteries to harden and protect the body against heart attacks and strokes. We can enjoy this fruit while getting the benefits by way of eating directly or in the form of juice. Apples can also be made vinegar. Eating apple vinegar regularly can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). In addition, apples are a powerful fruit for diabetics and apple cider vinegar is known to increase insulin sensitivity of type 2 diabetics. 13. Pear Fruit This fruit is an excellent source of water soluble fiber (soluble fiber and forming substance) - like gel including pectin. And although apples usually have high pectin content, the pear actually has higher pectin. Therefore, the pear becomes one of the cholesterol-lowering fruit. Pectin in pears also helps in intestinal cleansing and stools.
14. Banana Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help reduce low-density lipoprotein - LDL or "bad" cholesterol. In addition, potassium in bananas can also help lower blood pressure, and in turn, can lower bad cholesterol and heart healthy.
Fruit is effective to lower cholesterol, but you are also advised to eat Cholesterol-lowering Food If we consider, almost all fruits can lower high cholesterol, because in principle fiber, vitamin-rich foods and antioxidants are needed by people with high cholesterol.
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