Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The benefits of drinking coconut water

Coconut water is one of the most sought after drinks in tropical country, besides its fresh and sweet taste, it also keeps a myriad of important benefits for human body. Benefits of coconut water for the health of the body is very much at all, generally people know that coconut water is useful for prevent dehydration.
Indeed no doubt, like the benefits of other fruits and the benefits of dragon fruit, coconut fruit also contains many other benefits. Currently, many food and beverage products are made from coconut base which is much in demand, making it easier for people to drink coconut water and eat other foods based on coconut fruit in their daily life.
Content of Coconut Fruit
• Vitamin C
• Nicotinic acid
• Pantothenic acid
• Biotin
• Riboflavin
• And also folic acid.
Ok... Next let us discuss the hidden benefits of coconut water that are important to our body.
Benefits of Coconut Water
Efficacy of coconut water for health as well as for other body is already no longer indisputably very instrumental in maintaining the balance of the body's nutrients and health. Here are some details.
1. Eliminate Dehydration
Coconut water has been used to treat dehydration caused by dysentery, cholera, and diarrhea and stomach flu. The balance of electrolytes and plasma in coconut water in some studies is described almost the same as blood. Thus coconut water after exercise will greatly help to replenish lost body fluids.
Benefits Coconut water is widely known to replace minerals and liquids that we lose during physical or sport activities. People who work regularly should drink plenty of coconut water to keep the ion balance in their body.
2. Prevent Premature Aging
Coconut water contains lauric acid and cytokines, two important elements used in the growth process and cell regulation. This compound has a significant role against anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic which helps to minimize skin aging, balancing PH levels and maintaining skin tissue.

3. Boost the immune system
This water we can say as super water, it is very rich in nutrients and vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin & pyridoxine, and folate. Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can help boost the immune system and fight viral infections like the flu.
4. Kidney Stone Disease
Coconut water also helps in dissolving kidney stones because it has potassium content that plays a key role in the alkaline process of urine and prevents the formation of kidney stones. (Read
5. Good for pregnant women
Coconut water is a healthy drink for pregnant women because it can ease 'morning sickness' and prevent vomiting. In addition to containing electrolytes, calcium, potassium, sodium, coconut water also contains Vitamin C needed during pregnancy.
6. Important for skin health
Have acne? And prevent the occurrence of acne on the face? Coconut water is one of the nutrients you can rub in your face and leave it overnight. It has improved properties and good for the skin can even be applied to the hands and nails.
7. Good for digestion
Coconut water consists of bioactive enzymes such as folic acid, phosphates, catalane, dehydrogenate, diastase, peroxides, RNA polymerase and so on. This enzyme helps to facilitate digestion and metabolism. Water also has more minerals such as calcium, manganese and zinc like fruits including oranges. Coconut water is also a source of B vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and foliate.
8. Lose weight
Coconut water is proven to be very effective for weight loss. This drink has been seen as one of the healthiest ways to lose weight because it is a natural drink and does not contain any chemicals. Coconut water has been used for centuries around the world to lose weight and has shown positive results. How to lose weight? Try drinking coconut water, the stomach will feel full filled because it is very easily absorbed by the body so it will delay your hunger.
9. Control diabetes
Coconut water also helps to control diabetes. Coconut water, when consumed regularly has the ability to improve blood circulation in the body. This process will greatly help to dilate blood vessels that can shrink due to the formation of plaque and help blood to flow smoothly so that it will reduce diabetes. It also helps to fight atherosclerosis.
10. Antioxidants
Coconut water has a pretty good antioxidant content to help eliminate free radicals. The toxic effects of antibiotics and sulfa drugs can also be overcome with the consumption of this fruit. At the time of taking the drug, coconut water is also good because it will help ease the absorption.
11. Cardiovascular Health
Studies have shown that people with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. The benefits of drinking coconut water regularly is very effective in regulating blood pressure because it has the content of potassium and laurel acid. Coconut water is also believed to increase HDL (good cholesterol) is very good to prevent heart disease.
12. Reduce High Blood Pressure
Coconut water has a transient content of the electrolyte so it can be used as an electrolyte counterweight in the body. High levels of electrolytes in the body can cause high blood pressure.
Benefits in Coconut Water Content
In 240 grams of young coconut there are:
1. 46 calories
2. 6 grams of sugar
3. 2 grams of protein
4. 252 mg of sodium
5. 9 gr of carbohydrate
6. 3 gr of fiber
Other excellent minerals for the body:
1. Potassium 600 mg
2. Magnesium
3. Calcium
4. Phosphorus
5. Iron
6. Zinc
7. Copper
8. Manganese
9. Selenium
10. Folate
11. pantothenic acid
12. Choline
13. Beanie
Vitamin content:
1. Vitamin A
2. B6
3. B12
4. C
5. D
6. E
7. K
8. Thiamin
9. Riboflavin
10. Niacin
Coconut Water Consumption Tips
Although there have been many studies that say that coconut water has a good sodium content such as drinking commercial sports drinks, the consumption should be limited and reasonable. Here are some tips on coconut water consumption to get maximum benefit.
• Consume 1-2 glasses of coconut water in the morning / afternoon for adults.
• Do not give to infants / toddlers; follow the doctor's advice if you want to be given in infants with the right dose.
• Do not consume at night before bed because this fluid is easily absorbed by the body is feared will lead to glucose deposits.
• Coconut water also has calorie content, so do not drink coconut water every day excessively.

Benefits of coconut water will we get maximal if we have shortage of ION or dehydration. This water consumption will immediately return the fluid that comes out of our body.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Tips and How To Effectively Maintain Joint Health

All the body movements you do every day such as bending, twisting, lifting, running, sitting, walking, standing and even lying down - all involve joints. A healthy joint will allow you to run, walk, jump, exercise and do whatever work you want to do. Advertisement The joint is the joint between the two bones. Cartilage, connective tissue, joint bearing are the parts that help the joints move smoothly and easily. This network also protects between bone connections by preventing friction from each other. Many services we receive from all the joints, unfortunately most people ignore the health. But once you have joint pain or swollen joints, you just begin to feel so great function. Well to keep all joints we stay healthy and prevent joint-related problems, and then we need to care for his health as well as early as possible. Here are some ways to treat joint health to stay healthy and avoid problems related to joint pain:
 1. Always Keeping a Healthy Weight Ideal weight is an important key to joint health. Being overweight increases your risk of having health problems related to your joints in the future. H this will create additional pressure that burdens the joint bearing, thus accelerating the wear. Risks that you will receive later on include developing osteoarthritis (common joint problems). If you are overweight, make a healthy weight loss program gradually. This will help prevent joint problems and can help relieve it if you already have joint pain. The reduction in body fat may help reduce the mechanical and biochemical stress that contribute to joint degeneration, according to a 2012 study by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 

2. Exercises to Strengthen Joints Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the joint, thereby protecting them from damage - and making bones stronger. Exercising regularly also helps to lose weight, which is also beneficial to reduce pressure on the joints. Light exercise such as walking, swimming and cycling is a type of low impact cardio exercise that helps strengthen bones and joints. You can do the exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. Strength training such as weightlifting can be done twice a week which is combined with stretching and relaxation. Consult a health therapist about some of the many exercise movements that can improve your joint health. Regardless of what kind of exercise you do, do not forget to take a little time to rest after exercising to get your joints and muscles to have time to recover. If you have joint or related pain problems, consult a therapist first to help make the appropriate exercise program. 

3. Doing exercises that strengthen muscles around joints In order for the joints to stay awake in prime condition, it is important to strengthen the muscles that exist around the joint. Strong muscles in the legs and hands will reduce the pressure on the joints, and will provide support to better joints. Strong thigh muscles can reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis. For that do some light weight training to help build muscles in your leg area. 

4. Doing the exercising and stretching before exercising Before you do any exercise routine, you need to warm up for 10 minutes. A short warm up before exercise will help improve blood circulation, so muscles and joints are ready to accept the exercise. Heating can increase joint flexibility, so the joints can move according to function. It is also to loosen the joints as well as the ligaments and tendons around the joint. If you exercise without warming up, your joints will remain stiff which makes it more susceptible to injury. Do a mild warm-up like jogging for 10 minutes each will exercise anything. As time warms up, also stretch to help joints and muscles work better during exercise. 

5. Maintain a good posture or posture Posture refers to the position of the body when standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture is the body only gives a little pressure and strain on the muscles and ligaments when on the move. Poor posture can lead to sore and tense muscles in the neck, back, arms, legs and cause stiffness and pain later in life. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science reported sitting with legs crossed for more than three hours per day could cause a tendency on the shoulder, lateral pelvis and forward posture - factors that can cause pain and changes in joints. Whether you are walking, sitting, lying down or exercising, try to maintain the correct posture. In fact this is very good and should be taught since early age. But you can learn good posture from now or whenever. 

6. Changing the position of each body feels sore or aching Sitting and standing in the same position for hours can harm your joint health. Never sit or stand for more than an hour at a time. You just need to change your position regularly, key is important to maintain joint health. Always feel your body listening when it's time you have to change positions. Unfortunately people who stand or sit in their jobs tend to ignore the pain and continue their work. If you have to sit long while working, take some rest every few hours and walk 10 minutes. Also, it often changes the position of your activities. 

7. Eat healthy foods joints and bones to strengthen your joints and bones, you also need to keep your food. All foods high in calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin K, omega 3, protein, magnesium and potassium are very helpful in keeping the joint healthy and strong. Calcium is needed joints and can prevent osteoporosis and other bone health problems. Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, mustard greens and other vegetables can increase your calcium intake. Vitamin C is useful in assisting in the formation of collagen and the development of normal bone. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C such as papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, pineapple fruit, citrus fruits, and kiwi fruit. To increase your bone density, eat foods high in vitamin K, like green leafy vegetables, meats, cheeses and eggs. Useful proteins increase retention of calcium and bone metabolism. Some good sources of protein include milk, meat, and legumes. Omega 3 plays a role in increasing bone mineral density. These fatty acids are mainly found in fatty fish and some types of nuts and seeds such as walnuts and flaxseeds. Foods that contain lots of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc can increase bone density, and help fight bone-related problems. Herbs are useful anti-inflammatory such as turmeric, onion, garlic. In addition, do not ignore the importance of adequate fluid intake every day. Keep your fluid intake to prevent dehydration, which can affect joint health. 

8. Wear a matching pair or sandals not just a foot protector, the right footwear is also very important for healthy joints and bones. Most of your daytime wearing sandals or shoes, uncomfortable shoes or sandals can cause damage to your joint health, can be very dangerous for muscles, joints, or ligaments in the legs, hips and back. A 2010 study published in Arthritis Care explains that footwear may have a significant effect on knee dilution when walking on subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Avoid wearing high heels for long periods of time. Wear flat shoes or have heels of less than 3 inches for everyday activities. Replace shoes regularly every 6 -8 months, including sports shoes. Consult with experts to help choose the right type for your body shape and your health condition. 

9. Avoid or quit the habit of smoking tend to have lower bone density, and more prone to fractures. Smoking may affect hormone production that affects growth and bone strength like estrogen and testosterone 

10. Reduce carbonated drinks drinking soft drinks or soda regularly can lead to decreased bone mineral density and increased risk of fractures and inhibit joint health. Soda has the effect of increasing the level of phosphoric acid in the blood, which causes calcium depletion of bone. Even soda also prevents calcium absorption. The imbalance between calcium and phosphorus in the body is very harmful to bones and joints. Soft drinks are also rich in sugar that causes weight gain. The more weight you have, the more pressure your joint will receive. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition records the results of a 2014 study, which in essence is that drinking sweet soda often increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatoid.

Friday, August 25, 2017

How To Eliminate Your Own Tartar Simple, Safe And Natural

The simplest way to get rid of your own tartar is, of course, by brushing your teeth perfectly. There are still many people who just brush their teeth, without noticing some hidden parts in the mouth. To brush your teeth perfectly, you have to do several stages:

Brush all the outer surfaces on the top and bottom of the tooth, then continue by brushing the inside of the tooth.
Brush also the top of the teeth used for chewing carefully, do not let any dirt that is still attached. Do it for about 20 seconds.
If possible, brush your teeth immediately after consuming the food.
2. Use Toothpaste Containing Fluoride

Toothpaste containing fluoride can be one way to eliminate tartar itself. The fluoride content in toothpaste will increase the concentration of fluoride in the teeth, which aims to strengthen teeth and prevent the formation of tartar. This fluoride will make the tooth enamel so strong that teeth are not easily porous from corrosive foods, such as soda for example.

3. Use Anti-Stain Toothpaste

Using anti-stain toothpaste is very influential in removing plaque and tartar. Some of the ingredients present in these toothpastes such as pyrophosphates, zinc citrate, fluoride and various other ingredients can effectively eliminate yellowish stains, plaque and tartar. In addition, these contents can prevent the formation of dirt on the teeth, and can also kill the bacteria used food.

4. Brush Teeth Using Baking Soda

If you do not already know, baking soda is one type of food that has a lot of uses. One of its uses is to remove tartar and whiten it quickly. To brush your teeth using baking soda, here what you should do:

Take a tablespoon of baking soda; place it on a small container. Then, add a split of salt to the container, and mix well.
After the baking soda and salt mixture powder is mixed well, wipe the toothbrush and dip it in this powder.
Brush your teeth as usual and gargle-gargle after completion. Make sure there is no remaining powder mixture in your mouth and teeth.
To get a significant result, do this after you have finished brushing your teeth with toothpaste for 2 weeks in a row.
5. Use Orange Peel

One easy way to clean your own tartar is by rubbing the orange peel directly on a troubled tooth. However, do not rinse your mouth and clean it. Leave all night while you sleep, and just gargle. The content in this orange peel can fight micro-organisms on the teeth, and kill bacteria that cause bad breath and tartar.

6. Chewing Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have obviously a good content for the body, as well as oral health. You can eliminate tartar by chewing a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, melons, carrots and celery. By chewing fruit and vegetables an hour after eating, bad breath and tartar will be reduced, and teeth will turn white naturally and naturally.

7. Chewing Sesame Seeds

Yes, it turns out sesame seeds can also help remove corals on your teeth too! The trick is easy:

Simply chew the sesame seeds slowly on all parts of the tooth, but not to be swallowed.
Then, brush your teeth with dry while sesame seeds are still in the mouth.
These sesame seeds will serve as your teeth cleaning scrubs, which can clean and 'polish' teeth clean and avoid tartar.

8. Eating Spicy Food

Eating spicy foods can be one of the easiest in combating tartar. This spicy food will increase the secretion of saliva by stimulating the glands in the mouth. This gland will then release more saliva in the mouth, which can clean the gums and teeth.

9. Use Pasta from Rich Fruits Vitamin C

The easiest way to get rid of your own tartar is, you can use pasta made from fruit rich in vitamin C, like tomatoes and strawberries.

You simply destroy these fruits, and then brush your teeth using the liquid.
Let stand for 5 minutes, and thoroughly clean using warm water mixed with a little baking soda.
This can help remove tartar and kill bad bacteria in the mouth, and also keep teeth and gums healthy.

So some tips to overcome tartar you can do yourself without having to go to the dentist. The above method will be effective if you do it diligently and consistently. Good luck.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

14 Natural High Cholesterol Lowering Fruits

There are many ways done by people with high cholesterol in lowering cholesterol, including by regulating a healthy diet, one way with Consume cholesterol-lowering fruit. Yes, fresh fruits can lower cholesterol in a natural way, although the process is slower than using cholesterol-lowering drugs, but by eating fruit will get more satisfying results because it is safer and without side effects.

So, what are the fruits that can lower bad cholesterol? The following we will summarize for you and do not worry! Because there are many types of fruit, when you do not like one or more, you can choose another fruit alternative. List of High Cholesterol-Lowering Fruits in the Body In addition to fruits, consider also to consume 10 Food Suggestions for High Cholesterol Sufferers

1. Lime is very rich in flavonoids known as polymethoxylated flavones, antioxidants that have a powerful effect to lower cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol LDL. In addition, lime also contains high vitamin C which plays a role not only helps prevent the damage caused by LDL cholesterol but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, because it can lower total cholesterol as a whole. Studies show different results and have used vitamin C supplements in the amount of 100 to 1,000 milligrams per day.

2. Guava Seeds / guava this is one good cholesterol-lowering fruit, because Guava guava contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene, and selenium. All of them are very beneficial for the health of the body. As for who plays very much in lowering cholesterol is a flavonoid antioxidant that can lower bad cholesterol LDL and triglycerides. It is proven through research, that the consumption of guava juice for 2 months in measured doses can lower cholesterol to 53% of the total 83% of LDL cholesterol.

3. Grapes Wine This wine contains substances that play an active role in lowering cholesterol, the compound flavonoids, in addition to these compounds are also able to prevent blood clots and counteract damage caused by the entry of free radicals. In addition, grapes also contain lots of fiber and have catechin substances that can lower LDL cholesterol while raising good cholesterol, HDL.

4. Pomegranate Not only can lower cholesterol; pomegranates also contain substances that can remove plaque in the bloodstream as a result of high blood cholesterol function is obtained from the content of nitric oxide contained in pomegranates. Reportedly, the content of antioxidants in pomegranates was three times more than red wine.

5. Mango fruit is also one source of Vitamin C which can prevent bad cholesterol oxidized the main cause of plaque (accumulation) blood vessel cholesterol. On the other hand, the mango fruit is also one source of fiber-rich foods that can reduce the entry of cholesterol into the bloodstream at the stage of digestion.

6. Fruit Berry Type of fruit-ingredients that fall into the category of famous berry rich in pterostilbene which has the property as an antioxidant. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, this substance can also prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries which if let can cause coronary heart attack and stroke.

7. Avocado There is a presumption that Avocado is a fruit rich in fat so much to avoid for fear of fat or suffering from high cholesterol. Is that right? Avocado does contain a lot of fat, even up to 16 percent. But the fat in the avocado is monounsaturated fat, which is actually healthy, because this fat can help increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Avocado also contains beta-sitosterol a kind of vegetable fat is also healthy, because it can reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Enjoy avocado in a healthy way, for example as a juice, but do not give him too much sugar.

8. Olive Fruits Olive fruit is rich in antioxidant substances (hydroxytyrosol) which has the benefit of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood but not reducing good cholesterol levels in the body (HDL). This fruit will also have a good effect on heart health because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E which can increase good cholesterol levels. To get the most benefit, we can consume at least a mixture of 2 (two) spoons of olive oil and olives mixed in the salad.

9. Lemon contains high vitamin C, in 1 cup fresh lemon juice has 94 milligrams; 1 cup raw lemon segment contains 112 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C in lemon will reduce the production of apo-B is a type of substance that triggers the increase of cholesterol in the blood. In lemon also contain antioxidants that contribute to reducing LDL oxidant.

10. Tomato The famous tomato has a lot of lycopene content which also has the role of lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). We can enjoy tomatoes and get goodness by eaten fresh, made juice, or eaten in the form of soup. And you know that tomatoes can also be a healthy food for patients with chronic ulcers because of its properties that can calm the stomach.

11. Watermelon who does not know this fresh fruit, in addition to eliminate thirst quickly, it turns out the watermelon is also included in the list of cholesterol-lowering fruit. This is known because in watermelon contained likopen as well as on tomatoes that can lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

12. Apple This one fruit is famous for healthy, and now we know that apple is one of the cholesterol-lowering fruit because of the content of beta-glucan substances that play a role in controlling the production of cholesterol. Apples are also a source of soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol and prevent arteries to harden and protect the body against heart attacks and strokes. We can enjoy this fruit while getting the benefits by way of eating directly or in the form of juice. Apples can also be made vinegar. Eating apple vinegar regularly can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). In addition, apples are a powerful fruit for diabetics and apple cider vinegar is known to increase insulin sensitivity of type 2 diabetics. 13. Pear Fruit This fruit is an excellent source of water soluble fiber (soluble fiber and forming substance) - like gel including pectin. And although apples usually have high pectin content, the pear actually has higher pectin. Therefore, the pear becomes one of the cholesterol-lowering fruit. Pectin in pears also helps in intestinal cleansing and stools.

14. Banana Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help reduce low-density lipoprotein - LDL or "bad" cholesterol. In addition, potassium in bananas can also help lower blood pressure, and in turn, can lower bad cholesterol and heart healthy.

Fruit is effective to lower cholesterol, but you are also advised to eat Cholesterol-lowering Food If we consider, almost all fruits can lower high cholesterol, because in principle fiber, vitamin-rich foods and antioxidants are needed by people with high cholesterol.

10 simple tips to prevent coronary heart disease

Humans are not always blessed with health, but no human wants long-term illness. We must do our best to keep our body protected from various diseases, the more advanced an era, the more the management of foodstuffs using harmful chemicals, we must avoid them, because consuming too much harmful substances, will interfere with our bodily functions, let alone the heart.

Coronary heart is very dangerous.
Before you are exposed to coronary heart, you should set the steps to prevent coronary heart disease. You can do simple tips to avoid coronary heart disease, the following description:

1. What to do first to prevent coronary heart, Check your blood pressure regularly. This will allow you to control your blood pressure.
2. Second, try not to smoke. Stop smoking, if you are heavy smoker and feel you cannot do it, and then subtract the number of cigarettes you smoke. And do not occasionally inhale cigarette smoke from other smokers, because cigarette smoke contains toxins that are very dangerous
3. Check your blood glucose levels, whether you have diabetes or not, because diabetes is usually a ladder to the heart coronary.
4. Keeping the body shape to remain ideal, coronary heart attacks people who are overweight or obese. Therefore keeping the weight to stay ideal is important.
5. Do low cholesterol diet and avoid foods that have saturated fat levels.
6. be positive and avoid stress or excessive anxiety. You can do relaxation or relaxed program so as not to feel the feeling.
7. Perform regular exercise, no need to exercise severe or extreme. You can do morning walk or jogging in the morning, take advantage of sunlight at 6-8 am, because there are far infra Red, do at least three times a week, do not need a long way, at least 30 minutes Can already help you.
8. You should also make regular checkups to see what progress you are experiencing. So you can take the next step.
9. Eat a healthy diet, which contains omega 3 and abundant fiber. Vegetables and fruit will improve your digestive tract.
10. Begin to improve your lifestyle to be healthier, not too often eat-food preservatives, avoid packaged foods.
The heart has an important function for us, for that we must maintain and maintain the function in order to remain stable and do the job well. One of the targets is coronary heart disease.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

10 How to care for eye health

We sometimes forget to take care of eye health. Though the eye is included in the five most important senses in the human body. Without eyes, we cannot see the beauty of the world and the faces of our closest people. To ensure your eyes stay healthy with age, here are ten ways to treat eye health, as reported by Ehow.

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Carrots are loaded with beta carotene which is very helpful in maintaining eye health. That's because beta carotene is an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

2. Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 19 hours

This can cause permanent eye damage and discomfort to your eyes. Do not wear glasses for too long.

3. Reduce the use of eye drops

Reduce the use of eye drops. Using eye drops to treat red eye may, but only occasionally. If excessive, it will actually damage the health of your eyes.

4. Use cucumber

Use a cucumber to compress your eyelids. Place a cold and soft cucumber slice over the eyelid for 10 minutes before going to bed at night to prevent swelling.

5. Wear UV protective sunglasses

Use polarized lenses instead of just dark lenses. UV protective sunglasses are needed to counter exposure from the sun.

6. Avoid sitting too long in front of the computer

To maintain eye health, try not to spend too much time in front of a computer screen. It can make eyes tired.

7. Wear glasses at the right time

Be sure to wear goggles or wear other eye protection when working around chemicals or places with harmful air particulates.

8. Do not read in dim light

To maintain eye health, avoid reading in dim lights that can cause eye strain. If the eyes feel tired, stop for a while and rest.

9. Do not immediately see the light is too bright

Do not immediately see the light is too bright. Do not focus your eyes on the sun, because it can damage your eyes.

10. Train the eyes and make it to relax

Try focusing your eyes on an object close to you, a distant object. Repeat this process several times.
Sit down, place your elbows on your hips, close your eyes and close your eyes with the palm of your hand. Keeps the palm of the hand covering your eyes for 10 seconds. Open your eyes and repeat as necessary.

Here are ten ways to maintain eye health. Remember, it's better to prevent than to cure. Take good care of your eyes because without it you will not be able to see the beauty of the world

Monday, August 21, 2017

5 Tips for Maintaining Health for Busy People

Source: 123RF
Your busyness should not be an excuse to compromise your health. In the modern sense, often busy means exhausting mental energy, but less use of physical energy. Therefore, after a day at work, you may feel mentally exhausted, but the body will still be looking forward to shedding extra calories. You need a strong, disease-free body to live a successful life and achieve your dream goals.

Healthy living ultimately depends on a healthy lifestyle. Even without spending extra time, by switching to some healthy lifestyle choices, you can stay healthy. At the same time, some easy fitness practices do not steal much of your time. Here are 5 easy tips to keep busy people healthy.

1. Commit yourself to a systematic exercise schedule

Exercise is a must to stay fit and healthy, especially when your schedule is limited, resulting in an irregular and healthy lifestyle. If you want to stay in shape, then you should emphasize quality, not just quantity. This means we must involve ourselves in exercises and activities that provide maximum intensity in minimum time. Currently, you will find a wide range of sports machine tools, such as a static bike, that let you burn those extra calories without having to visit the gym. Indoor fitness equipment is designed for everyone in the family. This machine let you exercise while watching TV or do some other interesting tasks.

2. Engage in productive activities during leisure time

Busy people rarely have free time. Because they get used to a busy schedule all the time, they may miss out on ideas about how to use their free time. Always prepare a list of activities you can do during your free time. This list contains some activities that are useful for your health goals, including meditation, healthy snacking, brisk walking, or drinking a bottle of water. Keep this list on your desk where you can easily see it. This kind of activity can help you refresh your mind and recharge your energy.

3. Try a simple stretch during watching a TV program

Some TV programs let you watch while exercising. Determine some simple stretching exercises or some exercises you can do while watching TV or during commercial breaks. Instead of sitting or lounging on your couch, such exercises can complement your regular workout schedule.

4. Drink plenty of water

Most health experts often talk about it. Often, when you sit in front of a computer or work desk for hours, you may feel tired, fatigued, or headache. During that time, just drink water because water can eliminate the flavor that hinders your work. Often, the main cause of fatigue and headaches is lack of fluids. Drinking more fluids will also help you overcome many other health problems. At the same time, understand that regular water or warm water is a much better alternative than drinking juice with artificial sweeteners or carbonated beverages.

5. Sleep for a moment to recharge the energy

A day's work can be both physically and mentally tiring. Sleeping for a while before starting or while in the middle of work can give a refreshing effect on your body and mind. However, this sleep should not exceed 20 minutes, because if it exceeds, it can interfere with your night's sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends taking a nap in the middle of your daily work schedule in order to improve your awareness and performance.

Always willing to spend a moment of your time when it comes to the office or during lunch hour. You will appreciate the importance of health if you fall ill and feel lack of enthusiasm and energy to undergo routine. Therefore, today is the best day to start your healthy lifestyle.

However, never forget that a healthy lifestyle is the attitude that you have to go through throughout your life, and it is not a hobby in your spare time. So apply it regularly to achieve your fitness goals.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

8 Often Foods Become the Intermediary Bacteria Cause Poisoning

image source : https://www.natren.com/blog/foodborne-illnesses-beware-of-bad-bacteria-in-your-diet/

Food poisoning is not a case that can be considered trivial. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports an estimated 600 million cases of poisoning annually worldwide.

According to the Australian Institute of Food Safety food poisoning does not always come from foreign food but also can be from foods that are already familiar in our environment. Here's the list as quoted detikHealth from Food Safety, Wednesday (08/08/2017).

1. Poultry
A number of bacteria love to gather in raw poultry meat. That's why the case of poisoning due to poultry occurs due to the cooking process that does not kill the bacteria as a whole. Not washing it before cooking can also spread the bacteria.

2. Eggs
Eggs are healthy and can be a good source of protein. But when they consume it raw or undercooked thoroughly, salmonella bacteria can attack the body and cause poisoning. Keep in mind, salmonella is not only in the eggshell but can also enter into it.

Read also: Not Poisoning! It Eats Mi and Chocolate Eat Simultaneously

3. Green vegetables
Green vegetables need to be cooked first to avoid bacteria like E.coli which usually live the soil in which the vegetables grow.

Before cooking any vegetables should be washed with running water, in addition to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination but also to eliminate the remaining pesticides.

4. Milk
It's fresh to consume milk that has just been milked, but the risk is also high. Although milk is one of the first aid when food poisoning, but fresh milk is not heated can be a place of bacteria salmonella, E. coli, or listeria.

Should the milk be pasteurized to kill the existing bacteria and avoid the possibility of food poisoning.

5. Cheese
Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that usually contaminates cheese. The danger is that these bacteria are resistant to high temperatures. So, the best way to prevent the spread of bacteria, keep the cheese under 5 degrees Celsius and hold the cheese in clean hands (or use gloves).

6. Sprouts
Grown in warm and wet areas make a nice nest sprouts for bacterial growth such as salmonella and E.coli. If you eat sprouts in a raw state, you should first with heat to bacteria that exist can die first.

7. Seafood
Foods such as shellfish become dangerous because the algae that live in them produce toxins. Even a number of cases of shellfish poisoning are also well known in the medical world such as eurotoxic shellfish poisoning, amnestic shellfish poisoning and paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Likewise if the fish is not stored in the right temperature. Rotting fish flesh can produce histamine compounds that can cause Scombroid poisoning.

8. Meat
The meat especially raw meat is very easy to get bacteria such as listeria. Therefore, storing meat should continue to be below 5 degrees Celsius temperature to prevent bacterial development. Cooking must also be well-done to ensure the bacteria are completely dead.

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