Who does not like the sweetness of sugar taste? And who can resist the temptations of sweet foods like pudding, chocolate, or ice cream? Many people would love it because sweet foods or drinks are often considered more delicious for consumption.
Finally, unwittingly, sugar will easily enter into your body in large quantities, both in the form of food / beverages. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended reducing the amount of sugar intake by less than 10 percent of daily energy intake - or even better if less than 5 percent.
The recommended sugar intake limit for adults is 50 grams or the equivalent of twelve teaspoons of sugar per person per day. While the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends children aged 2 to 18 years to not consume more than six teaspoons of sugar in the daily diet. The recommendations do not include sugars found naturally in milk, fruit or vegetables.
When you eat sugar, your body will get glucose derived from sugar. The glucose will be stored in the body as a backup energy. However, although sugar can provide energy, you still have to limit your sugar intake to your body. Because otherwise, the excess sugar in your body will adversely affect your health. Here are some consequences of excessive sugar consumption on your body.
1. Always want to eat
In addition to burden the liver, excess fructose in the body can also disrupt the body's metabolic system by shutting down your appetite control system. The condition triggers the body's failure to stimulate the production of insulin hormone, increasing the production of the hormone ghrelin that plays a role in causing hunger, but decrease the production of leptin hormone that plays a role in causing satiety.
This is evidenced in studies showing that excessive consumption of direct sugar / fructose can increase the production of ghrelin, and reduce the body's sensitivity to the hormone insulin. This is what makes you will always be hungry despite having eaten a lot.
2. Insulin hormone resistance
The more sugar you eat, the more insulin production your body will produce. The hormone insulin plays a role in helping convert food into energy. However, when body insulin levels and sugar levels are high, it will make the sensitivity of hormone production decreases and makes glucose accumulate in the blood. Symptoms experienced by this condition, called insulin resistance, are fatigue, hunger, brain fog, and high blood pressure.
3. Dental caries
Dental caries occurs when the bacteria that live in the mouth digest the carbohydrate residue from the food you consume, whether it is the rest of the sugar in the donuts you consume or other. The bacteria will decay and produce acids that can destroy tooth enamel / dentine.
4. Liver damage
Sugar that enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract will be broken down into glucose and fructose. Unfortunately, fructose is not produced by the body in significant amounts - because it is not really needed by the body. Thus, excessive sugar consumption can make the body of excess fructose that can burden the liver and cause fatty liver. This is what can trigger health complications.
Heart disease
Although the link between excess sugar consumption and heart disease is not so clear. However, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2013 states that excess sugar consumption can make the interruption of the way the heart organ in pumping blood.
Other studies have also shown that the consumption of excess sweet drinks can increase blood pressure and stimulate the liver to get rid of fat into the bloodstream. Both of these things can increase the risk of heart disease.
6. Metabolic dysfunction
Excess sugar consumption can lead to classic metabolic syndrome, such as weight gain, abdominal obesity, HDL decrease, elevated LDL, high blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
7. Fat in the abdomen
The more sugar you consume, the more will increase the risk of fat accumulation in your waist and abdomen. It may also increase the risk of obesity.
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