Saturday, October 14, 2017

Natural way to prevent insomnia

The Fast Way to Overcome Insomnia Naturally, Many people start from children, adolescents, to the elderly who have trouble sleeping at night or better known as insomnia, from chronic insomnia to acute insomnia. If a person has insomnia then to sleep soundly at night is a pretty difficult thing to do, but by using the tips and certain ways of course insomnia can be quickly to overcome.

As has been known that sleep is a mandatory routine that must be done every day so that the body can rest after doing various activities. With sleep then the next day the body can return fresher and can perform various routines back as usual.

How to Overcome Insomnia Naturally

However, for those of you who are difficult enough to sleep soundly or have insomnia you should avoid dependence with sleeping pills because in the long term the use of drugs would not be good for your body. It is better you use natural ways to overcome the insomnia you are experiencing.

How to Overcome Insomnia
Daily Health below will provide some powerful tips and ways that you can sleep soundly at night and not experienced insomnia. So you can quickly sleepy and sleep soundly. Check out the description below!

1. Reduce Caffeine
Avoid drinking foods and drinks that make the body so difficult to sleep, like coffee. Especially at night. This is because caffeine will interfere with the process of drowsiness and caffeine will also prevent the body to sleep in a state of soundly. Even caffeine effects can last up to 24 hours, so as much as possible to reduce caffeine consumption. For Alternatives you can drink warm milk or herbal tea can also.

2. Let the Body Exposed to Sunlight Morning
The morning time is the perfect time to wake from sleep and get the morning sun. The morning sun is believed to regulate the body clock, and control the emergence of sleep hormones such as melatonin is useful to deliver the body to sleep at night.

Therefore wake up regularly every day, as much as possible should be familiarized regardless of holiday or not. And start going out, whether for a walk or a morning exercise, so the body can get the morning sun.

3. AC
In order to sleep soundly some people use air conditioners or fans then use a thick blanket and sleep. Maybe you can also apply this way if you experience insomnia so you can more quickly drowsy. Do not forget to wear a thick blanket.

If you want to get a good sleep and get better start relaxing your brain before you go to bed. How to relax you can be done in several ways such as meditation so that your brain and body become more relaxed. In addition, other ways you can do is with warm bath that aims to relax your body muscles so you will feel more quickly drowsy.

5. Food
Before you sleep you should avoid some foods that can interfere with your sleep time. As much as possible to pay attention to the food you will consume in the afternoon until the evening. Drinks like coffee and other beverages containing caffeine should be avoided because if consumed then you will be more difficult to sleep. Therefore do not get used to consume caffeine before you sleep.

6. Lights
When you want to sleep as much as possible to get used to turn off your room lights when experiencing insomnia. Try to sleep in the dark or you can also use the lights rang-dimly so you can sleep more quickly.

7. Keep Cleaning Sheets
According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, at least 75% of people claim that they can get better sleep and quality when their sheets are in a clean condition. Therefore, it is recommended to replace and wash bed sheets once a week until clean.

8. Stress
To overcome your insomnia as much as possible not to think about various problems of work or other problems. Avoid thoughts that because you more stress then relax the body and brain and begin to close your eyes.

9. Tea
Some drinks like tea are believed to make the body more relaxed. You can try it so you can sleep faster and can sleep soundly.

10. Listening to Music
How to cope with insomnia can also be by justifying the mosaic. Some of the research that has been done shows that the calming music rhythm will make it easier for someone to fall asleep. By listening to music then the body will become more and more relax so that the process of sleep will be more accelerated.

11. Reading Books
In order for the body can sleep well then avoid all types of gadgets before bed, such as mobile phones, computers, tabs, or Television. This is because the light emitted by the gadget will create a disturbance and suppress the sleep.Apart from that; this can be disturbing when sleeping soundly. Distract yourself by reading a book, because by reading a book people will usually fall asleep and feel refreshed when waking up the next day.

12. Sports 4 Hours before Sleep
Do not exercise right at the time before you sleep because it can make you difficult to sleep. If you want to exercise should be done 3-4 hours before bedtime. Also do light exercise just like running, biking or walking fast.

13. Do yoga
A study showed that breathing exercises as well as meditation from yoga exercise can give effect to the quality of sleep so as to make the quality of sleep a person to be better. However, actually other sports also if done with the right portion and help in improving the quality of sleep.

14. Trying to Count
According to recent studies conducted that calculate slowly or it could be by sorting certain names can make a person to sleep more quickly.

15. Turn off Electronic Devices
To overcome insomnia, you should turn off the gadgets you use, lights and other electronic devices that can interfere with your sleep so you can become more focused to sleep and more power efficient as well.

16. Sleep Pattern
How to overcome insomnia that should be a habit that is by adjusting sleep patterns. Sleep health can be maintained by doing sleep patterns at the same hour every day. To help with this you can use the help of alarm so that you will always be reminded when the bedtime and start waking again on waking as usual. Avoid sleeping too late so the body can be fresher when you wake up. If you already have a schedule of hours of sleep each night you will automatically feel sleepy and want to sleep on the sleep schedule.

17. Be Active
Being active throughout the day is one way that the body can be more easily drowsy during the night. So, you should avoid yourself from the habit of lazing all day, when all day you lazing usually at night the body will be more fit and you will be lazy to sleep.

Several Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally above you can try to do so that you can get quality sleep and wake up in a more fit state.

But if you still cannot get quality sleep you should immediately contact a doctor to do therapy so you can get the right way to overcome your sleep problems or insomnia.


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