What Calories?
Calories are energy units that will be burned by the body. A large number of calories needed may vary for each person. This is due to the energy requirements of different body weight influenced, sex, age and physical activity.If we eat foods with more calories than necessary by our body weight will make us grow to even potentially become obese. For example, fat contains 9 calories per gram, versus 4 calories in a gram of protein or a gram of carbohydrates.
That's why we put more calories when we consume fat. Another factor is the way the human body uses the energy supplied by carbohydrates, proteins and fats. At first, the body burns carbohydrate and protein, fat then. Unused fat calories are converted into body fat. Therefore reducing fat-rich foods is an important way to reduce weight.
Calculate needs
The first calculation is carried out calculates the basal metabolism (AMB). The formula is:
AMB = 0.9 kcal x weight (in kg) x 24 hours
For the calculation of the daily energy needs, the AMB figure obtained is multiplied by the variable of the physical activity that it performs. Activities and variables are as follows:
Mild = 1.55
Mean = 1.70
Weight = 2.00
Reduce the caloric needs of approximately 500 kcal to lose weight around 0.5 kg per week.
Examples count calories
As an employee with slight activity (that most of your time spent sitting in front of the computer) A weight is 60 kg. What is A's daily energy needs?
AMB = 0.9 kcal x 60 kg x 24 hours = 1296
Daily energy requirements (light category) = 1.55 x 1296 = 2008.8 kcal
What is the meaning of calories?
If A wants to lose weight, it can reduce the intake of about 500 kcal of food and drink each day. It refers to the amount of calories you should consume around 1500 kcal. This amount can make a weight reduction of 0.5 kg / week.
Food menu selection
Once you know the amount of calories you should eat, the next step is to set the menu meals so that the number of calories you consume is not excessive and you will consequently derail your diet.Remember that food eaten while still keeping healthy nutrition 4 5 perfect. Food consists of carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, vegetables, fruits and milk. So it does not suffer due to diet, fruit can be eaten between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner as a snack.
Patterns of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner to caloric needs of 1,500 kcal namely:
Meal description
Carbohydrates + breakfast + milk protein dairy products /
Fruit snacks in the morning
Carbohydrates + Food + Vegetable Protein
Afternoon light food fruit
Carbohydrates + Dinner + Vegetable Protein
Food model
Examples of foods that can be a model, among others:
Food model
½ cup (100 grams) of rice. It would be better if you choose brown rice is rich in fiber and helps the body more resistant to hunger
1 leaf (28 grams) of bread
½ cup (80 grams) noodles
½ cup (80 grams) of pasta
1 part (175 g) potatoes
100 gr veal or chicken
100 grams of fish or shellfish
150 grams of tofu or tempeh
1 egg
Milk / dairy products
250 ml milk, you should choose low fat milk
125 ml yogurt
1 slice of cheese
1 apple
1 banana
1 orange
1 guava
1 kiwi
1 cup of melon
1 cup of watermelon
1 cup of papaya
1 cup of wine
150 grams of any vegetable
If your calorie needs are more than 1,500 kcal, you can add a portion of protein or vegetable. If you want to add a serving of carbohydrates in your diet, you can add it during breakfast or lunch.
In addition, all packaged foods always indicate the number of calories. Always check that you do not enter more calories than your body needs.
Note the Food Processing Method
How food processing can increase the number of calories the food overall. For example, 1 tablespoon of cooking oil will increase 126 kcal, 1 tablespoon of butter adds 80 kcal, 1 teaspoon of sugar adds 32 kcal.The recommended treatment techniques is to be boiled, steamed, or baked. Foods using milk should not be consumed because it can increase the number of calories. If possible, you can replace coconut milk with low-fat milk as the soto Betawi. Bersantan or fried foods should not be consumed too frequently or should only occasionally.
By counting the calories you need and the type of food, then you can enjoy your favorite foods without fear of being fat and sick. Try always pay attention to how many calories you need and choose the right foods. If we continue to put more calories than the body could be burned, it will lead to obesity or cause fat.
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