Wednesday, May 2, 2018

10 days do not consume sugar, this will happen to your body

A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, has shown that reducing added sugars in the diet of children can improve their overall health very quickly.

The study looked at 43 obese children and found that eliminating or reducing added sugars, even by keeping the same amount of calories and junk food in their diet, led to the rise of many obesity-related health problems in just 10 days.

Children who were included in the study not only were obese, but also suffered from chronic metabolic disorders, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Although there is no change in caloric intake and other fatty foods, children are able to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol, some of them even lose weight. During the experiment, the children replaced the sweet cereal and pastry with a bagel.

They are still allowed to eat as much fat as they want during the experiment. Some children even improve liver and kidney function.

In this study, Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at Benioff Children's Hospital at the University of California San Francisco said:

"This paper says we can change the child's metabolic health for about 10 days without altering calories and without changing body weight - just by taking additional sugar from their food. From a clinical point of view, from the point of view of health care, it's very important. "

Although this study shows a great development of nutrition, but many scientists and nutritionists are still skeptical. Barry Popkin, professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said, you should remain vigilant with the results of this new study.

"While this work gives the impression of a dramatically beneficial health effect, there is too much careful and well-controlled study on this topic that found no dramatic and unique results."

Friday, April 20, 2018

5 dangerous diseases due to high cholesterol

Ideally, blood cholesterol levels should be in the range 160-200 milligrams per deciliter. If cholesterol levels soar, you should be vigilant because it can have adverse health effects. The proof, a series of diseases can appear because the level of cholesterol that exceeds the normal limit.

Quoted from the Health Line, the formation of plaque in the arteries is one of the problems of this one disease. For a more complete discussion, see here.

1. Stroke
Plaque formation due to cholesterol can also affect the reduction or even stop the blood supply to the brain which could be the cause of stroke.

Characteristics of stroke include the face of the pale, loss of balance, and decreased vision. If you find any of these signs, seek medical help immediately.

2. Blood Vessel Disease Perifier
Again, this disease can occur when plaque builds up in the artery walls. The danger, this can block blood to the kidneys, arms, abdomen, and legs.

Early PAD symptoms include cramping, fatigue, foot pain during activity or exercise. Further signs that may occur due to reduced blood flow include pallor, tissue death caused by lack of blood supply (gangrene), or leg injuries that are not healed or healed but are very slow.

4. Hypertension
Hypertension and high cholesterol are also closely related. When the arteries hardens and narrows due to deposits of cholesterol and calcium plaque, the heart becomes tougher to pump blood. As a result, high blood pressure becomes abnormally high.

This is what causes a person who has high cholesterol can have a risk of high blood pressure. Therefore, from now on improve lifestyle, set diet and exercise diligently.

5. Heart Attack
The formation of plaque on the arteries makes the occurrence of hardening of the arteries. This can make the arteries narrow and reduce the flow of blood to the heart which can cause chest pain or even heart disease.

Please note symptoms of heart disease between women and men can be different. But in general, its features such as chest pain, fatigue, backache, nausea, and shortness of breath.

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