Toddlers and children alike can be one of the most fussiest eaters there are in the world! Getting them to eat healthy may be a huge mountain to scale especially if they already started off on the wrong foot. Most parents and guardians make a common mistake of introducing junk and not so nutritious foods and beverages in the first few years of the child's life. The problem with this is that those are the kinds of foods that they become accustomed to and want to have all the time. And one of the many problems with this kind of diet is the fact that it may lead to childhood obesity, which in itself has several adverse health and emotional effects such as type 2 diabetes (which by the way some 20 years ago was only heard of in adults) and low self esteem amongst many others.
The thing is, it's important to set the right example for our kids if we want them to lead healthy lifestyles long after they "leave the nest" and have their own families. As I'm sure you already know, children learn mostly from what they see and not from what they hear. In other words, they do what they see you doing and not necessarily what you say. So if you eat a lot of fast food and soda pops, it's most likely that they will too and fancy it over any other type of diet.
One of the ways you can help your children to eat healthy is to cook homemade healthy meals. It can be pretty hectic if you lead a busy life, but you can at least try and prepare a meal from home twice or three times a week. To add to the excitement, ask your kids to come help you to prepare the meal, they will most definitely have an interest in eating what they have prepared (messy job it will be, but greater benefits at the end). If you are to eat out, choose healthier options, with less fat, cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat. If these are consumed over and above one's recommended daily allowance, they may lead to health problems.
Another way would be to take a trip with them to the farmers' market and have them see all the various kinds of fruits and vegetables. They can even engage the farmers, asking them how the fruit or vegetable comes to be and the benefits it has for their growing bodies. In fact, you can even go to a farm sometime and have the kids see for themselves how the vegetables and fruits come to be. And if you have space in your backyard, you can grow your own fruits and vegetables and have the children take part. As has been said, knowledge is power, so giving your children information about the benefits of fruits and vegetables and all the other food groups will help a great deal. They will know why vegetables are good for them and it will cease from being just a command. They'll eat them all up without a fight.
Don't give up when after you've tried this and your children don't seem interested in eating healthy, give them time. If you stick to your guns, they'll have no choice but to comply and before you know it, they would have acquired the taste and enjoying their meals. Instead of giving them chocolates and crisps to snack on, give them vegetable strips (like carrots and cucumber, etc),fruits, raisins, dried fruit, etc. They may put up a fight at first and suffer some withdrawal symptoms if they were used to junk food, but they'll eventually go with the flow. And in the long run you'll all reap the great benefits.
Not that they can never have pizza or ice-cream or any of the junk food ever again. You may give them as treats here and there but remember that moderation is key here. Don't let them over-indulge. Also, variety is important. Give them a variety of the fruits and vegetables so they can enjoy the different tastes as well as get full nutrition.
Learn more on how to eat healthy and fruit nutrition by following the links.
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