Saturday, September 25, 2021

Sunshine is the best vitamin D


Sunshine is the best vitamin D

HealthyKnows is an online vitamin store that provides vitamin D supplements, vitamins D food, and the most up-to-date information on the benefits of vitamin D. We also offer healthy lifestyle tips to help you ensure you're getting enough sunshine.

Why does my body need vitamin D?

Vitamin D helps maintain bone health and muscle function, helps protect against degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease, is critical for immune system function, and is involved in autoimmune responses.

What are the best sources of vitamin D?

The best source of vitamin D is sunshine! Think about it - humans have evolved to live near the equator where we would be exposed to sunlight all day long. We also get small amounts through our diet, but it's never enough so supplements are key!

Can I take too many vitamins?

It's possible to take too much of any supplement, but it doesn't happen very often because people typically adjust their doses downward when they experience any negative effects.


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