Friday, October 20, 2017

The benefits of eating broccoli vegetables

Green vegetables that have a shape like this cabbage does not have such a delicious taste of vegetables in general, so many children who do not like broccoli. However, behind the taste is less favored by children, broccoli has abundant nutritional content and good for health. Broccoli contains vitamin A, B, C, D and vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, fiber, antioxidants and minerals that are needed by the body. Here are the benefits of broccoli vegetables for the health of the body:

To get a healthy body, many health experts advise to consume vegetables and side dishes in balance. Vegetable vegetables have a variety of benefits in accordance with the type of vegetable. Each vegetable has its own function according to the content contained in it. One type of vegetable that has content and is very beneficial for the body is broccoli.
Keeping the Digestive System
The fiber content in broccoli helps the digestive system to perform its function properly. Fiber present in broccoli can prevent constipation. In addition, broccoli also contains sulforaphane that can increase the production of enzymes in the liver. The enzymes produced by the liver that are affected by these sulfarophane can secrete cancer-causing substances. Not only that, sulfarophane can also reduce the risk of digestive problems such as gastritis and gastric infections.
Control Cholesterol
Eating broccoli cooked with boiled has a good effect on heart health and can avoid the symptoms of heart disease. The fiber content in broccoli can overcome the problem of accumulation of cholesterol in the body. So that the blood flow becomes smooth and avoid heart disease.

Controlling Blood Pressure
Consumption of broccoli can help to maintain blood taste. Potassium and magnesium content contained in broccoli has been known to control high blood pressure. For that, for people with stress disorders can be high, can consume blood pressure to be normal and avoid high blood pressure.
Maintaining Skin Health
In addition to good health, broccoli is also good to maintain healthy skin. Glucoraphanin compounds in broccoli can help skin repair damaged skin caused by sunlight or aging process. Vitamin E contained in broccoli is good for regenerating the process of regenerating dead skin cells.
Reducing weight
Benefits of vegetable broccoli are one of the vegetables that contain fiber-rich. The fiber content in broccoli can make the stomach feel full longer. Therefore, broccoli is one type of vegetable that can help in the process of dieting or weight loss. Although the taste of broccoli is less tasty, but the effect is given to reduce weight is very beneficial for those experiencing weight problems.
Maintaining Bone and Tooth Health
Usually vegetables only maintain health about digestion and body fitness. However, broccoli also has a calcium content that can maintain healthy teeth and bones. In addition to calcium, broccoli also contains vitamin K which can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. For that, for those who have problems bones and teeth, can try consume broccoli every day to get healthy teeth and bones.
Prevent the occurrence of Depression
Depression can be experienced by anyone and can lead to an uneasy feeling in the sufferer. Depression usually occurs because of heavy stress or heavy feelings. Many say that people, who experience stress or mild mental disorders, can be eliminated by eating chocolate. But it turns out, broccoli can also function like chocolate because it has the content of folic acid and vitamin B. Folic acid content and vitamin B can improve mood and prevent the occurrence of depression. For that, for those who have problems of inner pressure, fatigue and poor memory due to unstable mood, can be overcome by eating broccoli.
Prevent cancer
Phytochemical content called indole and isothiocynate have anticancer properties. Anti-cancer properties owned by broccoli is to prevent the occurrence of problems of bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon and ovarian cancer.
Maintaining Eye Health
Broccoli contains high carotenoid lutein so it can be useful to prevent cataract and macular disease. In addition to lutein carotenoids, broccoli also contains vitamin A which is famous for maintaining the health of the eye retina. Therefore, eating broccoli can maintain eye health and maintain visual acuity.

Improve immunity

Vitamin C and antioxidants contained in broccoli can help boost the immune system. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants is able against infection, and protect the body from virus and bacteria attacks. In addition to boosting immunity, broccoli has other content that can be useful to remove toxins from the body. The content is phytonutrients, phytochemicals and including sulfarophane. That way, the body becomes better body resilience. This can help strengthen the physical endurance so that the body is not susceptible to disease. Increase Intelligence Maintain Central Nervous Health Not only marine fish are believed to contain omega 3 which can help improve intelligence. But vegetables can also help to improve intelligence almost the same as sea fish in general. Broccoli also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can stimulate brain development. Children who consume omega 3 are believed to be a smart child. In addition, broccoli also contains high levels of potassium and magnesium. So that broccoli can build muscle, not just brain. Vegetables in general, broccoli contains much content that is very beneficial for the body. But also must be considered how the processing of broccoli so that the content inside is not wasted when in the process cooked. Tips for Broccoli In order to stay awake to get optimal results from consuming broccoli, there are several things to note: 1. do not cook broccoli in a cooked way. Because the content of cooking oil can actually cause cholesterol.2. Try not to cook vegetables like broccoli for too long. Boiling vegetables in a long time can lead to the natural content in broccoli wasted.3. Try to keep broccoli not too long in the refrigerator. Immediately broccoli after buying it. Proper vegetable processing can have enormous benefits. For that, always the consumption of vegetables early and teach to children to get used to eat vegetables and avoid various diseases.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Natural way to prevent insomnia

The Fast Way to Overcome Insomnia Naturally, Many people start from children, adolescents, to the elderly who have trouble sleeping at night or better known as insomnia, from chronic insomnia to acute insomnia. If a person has insomnia then to sleep soundly at night is a pretty difficult thing to do, but by using the tips and certain ways of course insomnia can be quickly to overcome.

As has been known that sleep is a mandatory routine that must be done every day so that the body can rest after doing various activities. With sleep then the next day the body can return fresher and can perform various routines back as usual.

How to Overcome Insomnia Naturally

However, for those of you who are difficult enough to sleep soundly or have insomnia you should avoid dependence with sleeping pills because in the long term the use of drugs would not be good for your body. It is better you use natural ways to overcome the insomnia you are experiencing.

How to Overcome Insomnia
Daily Health below will provide some powerful tips and ways that you can sleep soundly at night and not experienced insomnia. So you can quickly sleepy and sleep soundly. Check out the description below!

1. Reduce Caffeine
Avoid drinking foods and drinks that make the body so difficult to sleep, like coffee. Especially at night. This is because caffeine will interfere with the process of drowsiness and caffeine will also prevent the body to sleep in a state of soundly. Even caffeine effects can last up to 24 hours, so as much as possible to reduce caffeine consumption. For Alternatives you can drink warm milk or herbal tea can also.

2. Let the Body Exposed to Sunlight Morning
The morning time is the perfect time to wake from sleep and get the morning sun. The morning sun is believed to regulate the body clock, and control the emergence of sleep hormones such as melatonin is useful to deliver the body to sleep at night.

Therefore wake up regularly every day, as much as possible should be familiarized regardless of holiday or not. And start going out, whether for a walk or a morning exercise, so the body can get the morning sun.

3. AC
In order to sleep soundly some people use air conditioners or fans then use a thick blanket and sleep. Maybe you can also apply this way if you experience insomnia so you can more quickly drowsy. Do not forget to wear a thick blanket.

If you want to get a good sleep and get better start relaxing your brain before you go to bed. How to relax you can be done in several ways such as meditation so that your brain and body become more relaxed. In addition, other ways you can do is with warm bath that aims to relax your body muscles so you will feel more quickly drowsy.

5. Food
Before you sleep you should avoid some foods that can interfere with your sleep time. As much as possible to pay attention to the food you will consume in the afternoon until the evening. Drinks like coffee and other beverages containing caffeine should be avoided because if consumed then you will be more difficult to sleep. Therefore do not get used to consume caffeine before you sleep.

6. Lights
When you want to sleep as much as possible to get used to turn off your room lights when experiencing insomnia. Try to sleep in the dark or you can also use the lights rang-dimly so you can sleep more quickly.

7. Keep Cleaning Sheets
According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, at least 75% of people claim that they can get better sleep and quality when their sheets are in a clean condition. Therefore, it is recommended to replace and wash bed sheets once a week until clean.

8. Stress
To overcome your insomnia as much as possible not to think about various problems of work or other problems. Avoid thoughts that because you more stress then relax the body and brain and begin to close your eyes.

9. Tea
Some drinks like tea are believed to make the body more relaxed. You can try it so you can sleep faster and can sleep soundly.

10. Listening to Music
How to cope with insomnia can also be by justifying the mosaic. Some of the research that has been done shows that the calming music rhythm will make it easier for someone to fall asleep. By listening to music then the body will become more and more relax so that the process of sleep will be more accelerated.

11. Reading Books
In order for the body can sleep well then avoid all types of gadgets before bed, such as mobile phones, computers, tabs, or Television. This is because the light emitted by the gadget will create a disturbance and suppress the sleep.Apart from that; this can be disturbing when sleeping soundly. Distract yourself by reading a book, because by reading a book people will usually fall asleep and feel refreshed when waking up the next day.

12. Sports 4 Hours before Sleep
Do not exercise right at the time before you sleep because it can make you difficult to sleep. If you want to exercise should be done 3-4 hours before bedtime. Also do light exercise just like running, biking or walking fast.

13. Do yoga
A study showed that breathing exercises as well as meditation from yoga exercise can give effect to the quality of sleep so as to make the quality of sleep a person to be better. However, actually other sports also if done with the right portion and help in improving the quality of sleep.

14. Trying to Count
According to recent studies conducted that calculate slowly or it could be by sorting certain names can make a person to sleep more quickly.

15. Turn off Electronic Devices
To overcome insomnia, you should turn off the gadgets you use, lights and other electronic devices that can interfere with your sleep so you can become more focused to sleep and more power efficient as well.

16. Sleep Pattern
How to overcome insomnia that should be a habit that is by adjusting sleep patterns. Sleep health can be maintained by doing sleep patterns at the same hour every day. To help with this you can use the help of alarm so that you will always be reminded when the bedtime and start waking again on waking as usual. Avoid sleeping too late so the body can be fresher when you wake up. If you already have a schedule of hours of sleep each night you will automatically feel sleepy and want to sleep on the sleep schedule.

17. Be Active
Being active throughout the day is one way that the body can be more easily drowsy during the night. So, you should avoid yourself from the habit of lazing all day, when all day you lazing usually at night the body will be more fit and you will be lazy to sleep.

Several Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally above you can try to do so that you can get quality sleep and wake up in a more fit state.

But if you still cannot get quality sleep you should immediately contact a doctor to do therapy so you can get the right way to overcome your sleep problems or insomnia.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Quick Slim Tips With Drink Lime

Quick Slim Tips With Drink Lime - This time the information discusses the testimony of lime; slim thanks to lime, quick tips quickly with lemon drinking, and testimonials that ted lemon tap weight loss. Lemon water or usually called lemon juice is my personal favorite drink. Lime is a citric fruit with many nutrients and health benefits. Lime juice to lose weight is a new idea and one of the most effective techniques for natural weight loss. Research on the effects of lemon on the body is wide enough and has revealed interesting new health benefits. The weight loss program with lime juice is being widely promoted in all natural drug centers around the world. In the previous discussion also has been updated about This 7 Easy Way Healthy and Natural Life That You Should Know.

Testimonials of lime juice consumption - Weight loss is a major concern for many people around the world. As a result, millions of rupiah industry worldwide, including Indonesia, is devoted to weight loss techniques. Many people spend their savings to try to gain ideal weight. Lime testimony to lose weight

Benefits of Lime Water for Quick Tips with Drink Lime

Lime juice is like a living elixir for the body. In addition to helping weight loss, lime juice has many other benefits. Here are some benefits of lime juice consumption.
Lime juice has natural antiseptic properties, thereby reducing the risk of infection in various tissues of the body.
Consumption of lime juice has a natural detoxification effect on the body. It helps in clearing toxins from the body.
Lemon juice helps the digestive process and prevents constipation.
Lime juice contains excessive amounts of vitamin C and minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Hot lime juice develops and stabilizes immune power, when you flu.
As you can see, in addition to using lime juice for weight loss, there are hundreds of health benefits from consuming this citric fruit juice.
How to Use Lemon Water for Weight Loss
Here is how you can make drinking water of lime to lose weight. After you wake up, drink a glass of warm lemon juice with honey. Not only will you feel refreshed, but it will also help your digestive system. Lime has a number of pectin fibers in it, which helps in the assimilation of sugar faster into the bloodstream.

This pectin fiber also helps in reducing hunger. So indirectly helps weight loss by reducing your desire for food. So, should try to kill hunger with coffee or tea, but with a glass of lime juice. This combined with its detoxification effect, makes the consumption of lime juice a great way to lose weight.

You can also add lime in green tea. This combination is known to be very effective in helping weight loss. Another recipe is to drink tea daily and apple cider vinegar, mixed with lime. Combined with adequate water intake will definitely help you in losing weight faster.

For all the people out there, I recommend using natural remedies for weight loss, which have been validated by medical research, which is a drug made from nature.

Mix lemon juice in water to lose weight, drink every day. This simple way if accompanied by regular exercise will help you lose weight. There are many ways in which you can use orange juice for weight loss. There are many recipes of lime juice to lose weight. Try for your health and gain ideal body weight.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The sport guides run for beginners

Running is very effective to burn calories, but if done in a way that is not true then it will endanger for you.

Although called the most convenient and cheap sport, but running still requires tricks and special techniques to successfully bring the benefits of the maximum and minimize injury. Sometimes for people who feel excessive fatigue after running a sport is not because he cannot afford, but because of the technique that runs less precise.

Preparation: Apparel and Heating
So what are the factors that need to be observed for running sport to be a useful activity as well as fun?

Prepare the ideal nutrition and physical and supporting equipment before running.
Thirty minutes before running, the consumption of food or soft drinks that can boost blood sugar levels like sports drinks, according to an athlete run.
To reduce the risk of injury, warm up at least five minutes on foot, walk on foot, or up and down stairs.
Wear sports shoes. You can start running in a residential area, around a park, or on a treadmill. As a beginner, running for 5-10 minutes will be the target of the appropriate duration to achieve.
Wear sportswear, especially for women, comfortable sports bra. You do not need to buy it specifically. Short or long sports trousers, as well as t-shirts that are not too big or not too tight can be a comfortable choice.
Good preparation will minimize injury and make your physical better prepared to run.

Running Technique: Combine Running and Walking
Find the unpredictable running posture. Initially reasonable if still feels stiff, but as more accustomed, the body will react to adjust naturally. The character of the body and habits of each person is different, so better find your own style.

If you have not exercised for a long time and want to get active again, walking can be a good start. After 30 minutes of uninterrupted walking time, you can try to change the walk with a slow run and gradually add speed until it feels comfortable.
As a beginner, avoid running too far or too long because the risk of causing injury. Start with the distance and short duration which then continues to increase. Panting after running can be a sign that you ran excessively.
Lean slightly forward with your hands clenched in angles. When running, it is better to tread a toe or toe instead of resting on the heel.
Avoid jumping to reduce pressure on joints and knees.
Soften your upper body because the stiff body actually makes your run slower. Focus on body weight in the center.
Breathe with a good technique. Breathe air through the nose, fill the chamber in the lungs, and then release through the slightly open mouth. Breathing from the mouth risks causing a variety of dust or foreign objects into the breathing. Exhaling from the mouth can also release carbon dioxide from the body.
An Olympic runner suggested that beginner runners take pause to walk 5-10 seconds per minute. According to him, walking on the run can be a good cross-training. As more often run, muscles and joints strengthen, and then the ratio of walking and running can become increasingly rare. If done regularly, within six months, you may already be able to run long distances. Combination running and running can also help prevent fatigue and injury, and make you more relaxed to do running sport.

While in another running technique, it is advisable to run for 15 seconds and walk for 45 seconds repeated for up to 30 minutes. Once you get used to running, over time you will reduce walking time and increase the duration of running.

Other Important Tips
There are other things that are often thought of as unimportant, but can actually determine the consistency of someone running, like being part of a running community. Some of the following may help you start a running sport.
  • If necessary, you can record the duration and distance you take each time you run to plan ahead and monitor progress.

  • Find friends or groups who are also fond of running so you will continue to be motivated from time to time. If possible, find friends with more or less equal ability to strengthen each other.
  • Consume enough mineral water to meet your fuel while running.
  • Sports run once a week cannot meet the target. As a beginner who wants to be consistent, running for three days a week is already a sufficient target before increasing the frequency. In addition, if you run every day for a week, give a day to rest your muscles.
  • Heavy foods should be consumed at least 1.5 hours before running.
  • Listening to music from lightweight electronic devices that can be carried while running can keep you consistent in keeping track and rhythm, in addition to making you more excited.
  • After a week, try to increase the duration or mileage. After a regular run for several weeks, the body will begin to discover its own rhythm. You will feel like running.
  • As a beginner, avoid running quickly because it causes the body easily tired.
  • If you feel boring, you can change the route to run elsewhere, such as to parks further away from home. But make sure the area is easily accessible so you are not lazy to get there.
  • Perform stretching, especially leg muscles after running. Perform a position like pushing a wall with one foot in front and one leg behind. Alternatively, bend your knees backwards until your heels are attached to the buttocks. Replace with the other foot. Hold each movement or position for 15-20 seconds. This cooling is also needed to lower the heartbeat frequency.

If done consistently, running exercise can reduce the risk of obesity as well as chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Women can also run in times such as pregnancy, premenstrual, to menopause, provided they adjust to their condition. But before running a running sport, you should consult a doctor if you have just recovered from injury or suffering from certain diseases that can be at risk of impact on the body's endurance.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Danger of Cat Fur for health

Cats are one of the favorite pets in the house. But that does not mean seeing it does not pose a health risk. The danger of cat fur is one that needs to be wary of.

Although not the main cause, parasites or bacteria can stick to the fur of a cat while playing in a dirty environment or licking himself. In addition, some groups of people, such as pregnant women and people suffering from immune disorders are more at risk of the effects of cat fur.

Variety of Side Effects that Can Be Generated

Behind the appearance of beautiful cat fur, stored potential types of diseases that can be difficult for health, such as:

Cat Claw Disease (early cat disease).
In cats, diseases caused by Bartonella henselae bacteria do not cause certain symptoms. Bites, it may not be closed the possibility of bacteria is also transmitted as you stroke the fur and then wipe your eyes with hands that have been exposed to bacteria.

At the location of scratches or bites, small bumps appear within a period of 10 days. The lumps come with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, fatigue, inflammation, and pain in the lymph nodes. For people who have a good body resistance, cat's claw disease will not give serious consequences.

But people who have immune disorders, such as HIV / AIDS or they are in the process of chemotherapy due to cancer, these bacteria can be a more serious condition.

Ringworm (ringworm).
A type of fungal infection on the wrong skin can be transmitted from a cat. Transmission can occur when a person caresses a cat.

This disease is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that is in the feces of an infected cat. Approximately 2-3 weeks after infection, the cat will remove the parasite on the dirt. When cleansing itself with the tongue, the possibility of parasites will be left on the feathers that later can be infected in humans when stroking his fur.

Allergic Reactions
Actually fur is not a direct cause of allergic reactions. In general, the danger of cat fur is caused by infection through the air of saliva, skin, and urine. In fact when the cat licked herself, her fur would be exposed to the saliva.

Allergic reactions can usually lead to allergic rhinitis that looks like flu symptoms. Some of these reactions include itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and pressure on the sinuses. In addition, other allergic reactions may result in asthma conditions.

It is important to maintain a pet's health condition and personal hygiene after making contact. Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap after touching your pet cat, eat before food preparation. Also teach it to your child. Like other precautions, avoid children's playgrounds that may be contaminated with cat feces.

Always check your cat's health condition. Infection can perform detection by visiting routine to veterinarian. Also give immunizations.

Finally, try to keep your cat clean, including feathers and claws. Cats love to grow the ground with their claws. When that happens, clean the nails by using a special shampoo.

Keeping cats is very fun for fans, but should still pay attention to threatening health. Positive and negative side claims further, if you and other family members have certain health conditions. If necessary, consult your doctor or veterinarian before deciding to keep a cat or other pet.

Source : alodokter
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