Friday, October 20, 2017

The benefits of eating broccoli vegetables

Green vegetables that have a shape like this cabbage does not have such a delicious taste of vegetables in general, so many children who do not like broccoli. However, behind the taste is less favored by children, broccoli has abundant nutritional content and good for health. Broccoli contains vitamin A, B, C, D and vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, fiber, antioxidants and minerals that are needed by the body. Here are the benefits of broccoli vegetables for the health of the body:

To get a healthy body, many health experts advise to consume vegetables and side dishes in balance. Vegetable vegetables have a variety of benefits in accordance with the type of vegetable. Each vegetable has its own function according to the content contained in it. One type of vegetable that has content and is very beneficial for the body is broccoli.
Keeping the Digestive System
The fiber content in broccoli helps the digestive system to perform its function properly. Fiber present in broccoli can prevent constipation. In addition, broccoli also contains sulforaphane that can increase the production of enzymes in the liver. The enzymes produced by the liver that are affected by these sulfarophane can secrete cancer-causing substances. Not only that, sulfarophane can also reduce the risk of digestive problems such as gastritis and gastric infections.
Control Cholesterol
Eating broccoli cooked with boiled has a good effect on heart health and can avoid the symptoms of heart disease. The fiber content in broccoli can overcome the problem of accumulation of cholesterol in the body. So that the blood flow becomes smooth and avoid heart disease.

Controlling Blood Pressure
Consumption of broccoli can help to maintain blood taste. Potassium and magnesium content contained in broccoli has been known to control high blood pressure. For that, for people with stress disorders can be high, can consume blood pressure to be normal and avoid high blood pressure.
Maintaining Skin Health
In addition to good health, broccoli is also good to maintain healthy skin. Glucoraphanin compounds in broccoli can help skin repair damaged skin caused by sunlight or aging process. Vitamin E contained in broccoli is good for regenerating the process of regenerating dead skin cells.
Reducing weight
Benefits of vegetable broccoli are one of the vegetables that contain fiber-rich. The fiber content in broccoli can make the stomach feel full longer. Therefore, broccoli is one type of vegetable that can help in the process of dieting or weight loss. Although the taste of broccoli is less tasty, but the effect is given to reduce weight is very beneficial for those experiencing weight problems.
Maintaining Bone and Tooth Health
Usually vegetables only maintain health about digestion and body fitness. However, broccoli also has a calcium content that can maintain healthy teeth and bones. In addition to calcium, broccoli also contains vitamin K which can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. For that, for those who have problems bones and teeth, can try consume broccoli every day to get healthy teeth and bones.
Prevent the occurrence of Depression
Depression can be experienced by anyone and can lead to an uneasy feeling in the sufferer. Depression usually occurs because of heavy stress or heavy feelings. Many say that people, who experience stress or mild mental disorders, can be eliminated by eating chocolate. But it turns out, broccoli can also function like chocolate because it has the content of folic acid and vitamin B. Folic acid content and vitamin B can improve mood and prevent the occurrence of depression. For that, for those who have problems of inner pressure, fatigue and poor memory due to unstable mood, can be overcome by eating broccoli.
Prevent cancer
Phytochemical content called indole and isothiocynate have anticancer properties. Anti-cancer properties owned by broccoli is to prevent the occurrence of problems of bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon and ovarian cancer.
Maintaining Eye Health
Broccoli contains high carotenoid lutein so it can be useful to prevent cataract and macular disease. In addition to lutein carotenoids, broccoli also contains vitamin A which is famous for maintaining the health of the eye retina. Therefore, eating broccoli can maintain eye health and maintain visual acuity.

Improve immunity

Vitamin C and antioxidants contained in broccoli can help boost the immune system. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants is able against infection, and protect the body from virus and bacteria attacks. In addition to boosting immunity, broccoli has other content that can be useful to remove toxins from the body. The content is phytonutrients, phytochemicals and including sulfarophane. That way, the body becomes better body resilience. This can help strengthen the physical endurance so that the body is not susceptible to disease. Increase Intelligence Maintain Central Nervous Health Not only marine fish are believed to contain omega 3 which can help improve intelligence. But vegetables can also help to improve intelligence almost the same as sea fish in general. Broccoli also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can stimulate brain development. Children who consume omega 3 are believed to be a smart child. In addition, broccoli also contains high levels of potassium and magnesium. So that broccoli can build muscle, not just brain. Vegetables in general, broccoli contains much content that is very beneficial for the body. But also must be considered how the processing of broccoli so that the content inside is not wasted when in the process cooked. Tips for Broccoli In order to stay awake to get optimal results from consuming broccoli, there are several things to note: 1. do not cook broccoli in a cooked way. Because the content of cooking oil can actually cause cholesterol.2. Try not to cook vegetables like broccoli for too long. Boiling vegetables in a long time can lead to the natural content in broccoli wasted.3. Try to keep broccoli not too long in the refrigerator. Immediately broccoli after buying it. Proper vegetable processing can have enormous benefits. For that, always the consumption of vegetables early and teach to children to get used to eat vegetables and avoid various diseases.


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