Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dispelling the Protein Myth

The myth that we do not need to watch our protein intake is deeply embedded in American traditions and has become one if the backbones in the Standard American Diet. The National Meat and Dairy Councils are the most prevalent and therefore influential resources of information on nutrition in the U.S. These councils also have leaders that switch back and forth between the industry and regulation sides of the U.S. food supply. Normally, it is not ideal that an industry also be involved in the regulation and education of their product.
Our health care is ranked #41 and yet it is the most expensive of any other country. Our leading causes of death are heart disease, followed by medical care, and then cancer. Both heart disease and cancer are nutrition-related. So, our current state of health & diet confirm that the Standard American Diet & protein intake is not working for us.
With respect to protein, the National Dairy Council recommends we get 13-17% of our total calories coming from protein. This is a curious number, since T. Colin Campbell found in his 40 year study on diet and health that eating any more than 3-5% of our calories from protein led to disease onset. It is also curious that 13-17% of calories in the Standard American diet is from protein. Their protein recommendation comes from a study conducted in 1914 by Osborn and Mendel on rats where the carnivorous animals grew faster on animal than plant protein. However, rats and humans have completely different digestive systems with rats being designed for rapid digestion and expulsion of animal protein, while humans are designed for slow digestion and absorption of every last nutrient in plant foods. Also, no tests were ever conducted on humans to verify the results applied also to humans. Lastly, in a laboratory setting, everything is controlled except one thing, the variable, however, since humans do not live in a laboratory setting, results would be difficult to compare. Nonetheless, these results became adopted as the Official Nutrition Doctrine of the United States. Since then, there has been more than 77 years of research suggesting otherwise, but we do not hear about any of this from our common modalities of nutritional information do we?
The leading scientific authorities say there is a direct correlation between diet and disease and that we need to cut out animal products, processed foods and sugary foods from our diet. This requires a complete revamping of the Standard American Diet.
Harvard researchers investigating strict plant food diets say we cannot become protein deficient by eating a mixed vegetable diet. The conservative National Academy of Science says that athletes do not need any more protein than non-athletes, they need more calories. Dr. McDougall, a leading medical authority on nutrition has stated that Osteoporosis is a disease caused by many factors, but the most important factor is an excess of protein in the diet, where there is an inversely related relationship between protein and calcium loss. A March 1983 article in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported in the largest study of this kind ever conducted that "male vegetarians had an average measurable bone loss of 3%, male meat-eaters had an average measurable bone loss of 7%, female vegetarians had an average measurable bone loss of 18%, and female meat-eaters had an average measurable bone loss of 35%." An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled "Rapid Growth-Shorter Life" found that "animal-protein measurably shortened the life spans of a number of different animals."
T. Colin Campbell, a professor in the division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, senior science advisor to the American Institute for Cancer Research, lead scientist on the most comprehensive nutritional study ever conducted and author of The China Study has recently stated that there is a strong correlation between dietary protein intake and western disease (cancer, auto-immune, Alzheimer's, liver, kidney and bone diseases, obesity, heart disease and many more).
John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America stresses the point from many angles in saying that eating vegan would enable us to re-allocate the enormous amounts of grain we feed to our livestock to the world's hungry. He also says, if we were to become vegan, we would be able to feed the world five times over. It would also end the great deal of suffering we cause to animals who support our meat eating habits. Sunrider International makes raw vegan products made with the 5,000 year old knowledge of Chinese herbs.
Serra Lynn Kelley has graduated from California State University with a Degree in Biology & a concentration in Marine Biology. During her college years, she was an undergraduate research scholar in a Marine Ecology lab. When she graduated she applied her research & writing skills towards nutrition. Today she owns & operates a Sunrider business selling pure & concentrated, raw Chinese herbs & also owns & operates A Sacred Space: Yoga & Meditation ( )


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